electrtic lawn mower

The Best Electric Lawn Mowers

If you’re looking for experts on electric lawn mowers, look no further! Clean Air Lawn Care franchise owners use electric lawn mowers (and other electric lawn equipment) every day, so they know the pros and cons of electric lawn mowers better than anyone. Clean Air Lawn Care owners are the best people to look to when you’re trying to figure out which are the best electric lawn mowers. Plus, a lot has changed in the last several years for the electric lawnmower market, and at Clean Air Lawn Care, we’ve been along for the ride. When our founder Kelly Giard started Clean Air Lawn Care, all of his equipment was corded, and at times, lacking in the torque and power needed to cut long, thick grass. Now, over a decade later, cords are gone, efficient lithium batteries prevail, and electric mowers are more powerful than ever.

The main benefits of electric lawn mowers remain; they’re quiet, clean and don’t pollute or require regular gas fill-ups. And now they’re more powerful, efficient and affordable than ever before, so it only makes sense to replace your old gas mower with a nice, new electric one. But we know it can be hard to choose from all of the options, so we’re here to help. We’ve narrowed the options down to the absolute best electric lawn mowers available today.

The Best Electric Mowers

The list below is based on the tried-and-true favorites of Clean Air Lawn Care franchise owners, as well as our sustainable lawn care expert and Vice President, Justin Reyneir. There are only two electric lawn mowers on the market that really stand out to franchise owners who use electric lawn mowers all day, every day. However, there are a few options that we qualify as “honorable mention” because they could work really well for homeowners who use their mower on a smaller yard once to twice a week. So, without further ado, here’s our rundown of the best electric lawn mowers.

The Top Two Walk-Behind, 21″ Electric Mowers


When entrEGO electric lawn mowerepreneurs are working on opening their Clean Air Lawn Care franchise, An EGO walk-behind electric mower is usually what we recommend they purchase as their first electric walk-behind mower. We recommend EGO first because they are priced well, and are easy to find and buy (you can find them at Home Depot). Plus, your EGO mower comes with a 5-year warranty. Add all of these practical pros to the fact that they are durable, reliable and powerful, and you have a big winner in a field of great options.

Another thing that is promising for EGO electric lawn mowers is that the brand has a lot of momentum with new technology, and seems to be committed to growing its electric line. This is always promising to see when shopping for an electric mower because you can feel confident that you are buying a product that has the latest in technology. The only downside of an EGO mower is that they do tend to be a bit on the heavy side, but many people attribute that to the fact that the EGO mower is built with durability in mind.


Echo electric lawn mowerThere is a clear consensus that ECHO is the winner when it comes to clean, consistent grass cutting and mulching. When you compare the results of an ECHO mower to any other electric mower, ECHO almost always comes out on top. They have more torque and are lighter than the EGO. However, ECHO lawn mowers do tend to break down more often. Luckily, ECHO lawn mowers come with a 5-year warranty and it’s pretty easy to buy replacement parts.

ECHO is a company based out of Japan that’s been manufacturing quality equipment for a long time, but they haven’t released new technology lately. That makes us wonder if they are as dedicated to the electric lawn equipment market as other brands, like EGO.



Honorable Mention: Walk-Behind Mowers

Greenworks G-Max Pro 80V Greenworks specializes in electric-powered tools, and you can use the same battery pack to power over 25 different tools. This can come in handy for the homeowner who wants all of their equipment to be electric. The G-Max Pro 80V has a 21″ deck and holds a charge long enough to mow a larger lawn. It’s known to be lightweight yet powerful. It comes with a 4-year warranty.

Ryobi 40V Self-Propelled The Ryobi 40V is a great option for a homeowner who prefers the boost of a self-propelled mower. It’s known to be lightweight and powerful. Greenworks mowers come with a 5-year warranty, which provides peace of mind when making such a big purchase. However, if your lawn takes longer than 35 minutes to mow, you’ll need to look somewhere else, as the run time of its 40V battery is limited.

Stihl RMA 510 Stihl is known to be a durable option for mowing small to medium yards with quiet ease. The RMA 510 is their 21″ deck option and features a holding slot that holds a second battery. One downside for Stihl mowers, though, is that the brand hasn’t made much headway in new electric technology in the past few years, which sends the message that they aren’t on top of the newest electric trends and technology.


Best Riding or Stand-On Electric Lawn Mowers

Ryobi riders

ryobi electric riding lawn mowerRyobi electric riding lawn mowers are fairly new to the market and are getting pretty good reviews. They are ideal for homeowners, as they are priced similarly to gas-powered riding lawn mowers. Ryobi riding mowers feature a lead-acid battery instead of the lithium-ion battery that’s used in most of their walk-behind mowers.

Ryobi is another brand in the tool and lawn equipment market that seems to be putting a lot into the research and development of its electric mowers and equipment, which is promising. We’ll be keeping an eye on this brand and the new line of electric riding lawn mowers.

Mean Green Mowers

Mean Green stand on electric lawn mower

Mean Green mowers are known as the premier commercial-grade electric mowers available in the market. They have a variety of powerful, efficient and dependable riding and stand-on mowers that can cut acres of grass at a time. They also have two walk-behind options that are tough and powerful. Mean Green mowers are typically more expensive than other options, but they also feature the best in electric mowing technology.

The main downsides of buying a Mean Green mower are the high price tag and the challenge of finding a dealership near you.


Make your electric lawn mower sustainable with solar power

solar panel with batteries for solar-powered lawn equipmentYou can take your eco-friendly lawn care one step further by harnessing the energy of the sun to power your electric lawn mower. Clean Air Lawn Care franchise owners practice sustainable lawn care by using electric lawn equipment, like the mowers mentioned above, that don’t pollute the air like gas-powered lawn mowers. And they go one step further by charging their electric equipment with solar panels, instead of plugging into an outlet and using electricity that was likely created by limited resources like coal and natural gas. This solar-powered, zero-emission approach takes Clean Air Lawn Care franchise owner’s organic lawn care operation off-grid and makes it even more eco-friendly, or “green”.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can change the world for the better with a truly green business, just get in touch! Owning an eco-friendly organic lawn care franchise is a great way to make money doing something that positively impacts your community and the world.

Why wait? Start your business today!

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