Kelly Giard - CEO and Founder of Clean Air Lawn Care

Trends in Lawn Care – November Webinar

Kelly Giard - CEO and Founder of Clean Air Lawn Care
Kelly Giard
CEO & Founder
Clean Air Lawn Care

Kelly Giard, CEO & Founder of Clean Air Lawn Care, will host a webinar on November 15h at 11am MST, titled “Trends in Lawn Care“. This webinar will focus on the environmental and health benefits of low-emissions mowing and organic lawn care treatment programs. The webinar will also cover the tremendous business opportunities in this “emerging” green-market, for anyone interested in owning a Clean Air Lawn Care franchise or converting their existing lawn care business to offering organic services and operating a sustainability model.

There has never been a better time than now to be involved in organic lawn care.

Since 2006, Clean Air Lawn Care’s mission has been to offer and promote sustainable and organic lawn care services to residential and commercial clients across the United States. By using low emissions equipment and applying organic treatments we’ve grown to become the nationwide leader in organic lawn care, but we’re now seeing tremendous demand in the market that indicates environmentally-friendly lawn care revenue will grow to $4.5 BILLION annually.

So, join the “Trends in Lawn Care” webinar on November 15th, 11am (MST) to listen to Kelly talk about envrionmenatlly-friendly lawn care best practices and benefits, to ask him questions, and to realize the growth potential in this market.

Sign up for the Webinar HERE.

Talk to you soon!

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