Ladybugs helpful in preventative lawn care

Pesticides exposed:

Clean Air Lawn Care Ladybug and Aphids
Ladybugs eating aphids.
flickr user Kathy1243

A common misconception believed by many lawn care owners is that the use of pesticides will completely eradicate unwanted insects and pests. After some pesticide treatments, they may realize that this isn’t the case. The reason is that pesticides literally wipe out undesirable and beneficial living organisms within ecological system on which they are applied, which has very negative effects.

Stronger aphids and weaker ladybugs

Consider pesky aphids as an example. Aphids are a tasty delicacy for ladybugs, so while you think you’re doing good by dousing aphids with insecticides, you’re actually killing off the beneficial ladybugs that feed on them. This becomes a vicious cycle. Aphids repopulate much more quickly than ladybugs do, so when you exterminate both populations by using pesticides, the aphids will reemerge with vengeance, while their natural predators struggle to repopulate, thus multiplying the unwanted pests. Just keep this in mind – when you kill ladybugs, you’re inviting aphids.

Pesticides are a serious threat to bees

Bees are another reason to not use pesticides. Plants fully absorb these chemicals, making the entire organism toxic to insects that feed on it, including bees that harvest the plant for pollen and nectar. Bees contribute to the majority of insect pollination, so they’re vital for plant proliferation and evolution. By using pesticides, the biological food chain becomes corrupt and important processes’ aren’t carried out, thereby harming plant life.

Pests and weeds build pesticide immunity

Another thing to keep in mind is that pests and weeds become immune to chemicals over time. This means that it will be necessary to spray more and more pesticides onto your lawn with each passing year because the offspring of these organisms adapt and become resilient to minimal treatment. This, again, creates a vicious (and expensive) cycle.

Just let nature run it’s course or use organic pesticides

By allowing nature to function as it was meant to with ladybugs taking care of aphids, bees pollinating naturally, and organic weed treatments, you’ll save yourself a huge chunk of change and you won’t be eradicating important ecosystems in your lawn. If you must use pesticides we recommend you look at organic pesticides or natural pesticides as a healthy alternative that promotes organic lawn care.

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