Clean Air Lawn Care’s goal is to create and maintain beautiful lawns using earth-friendly and family-healthy methods. Our two lawn care treatment programs integrate the use of organic fertilizers, organic pre-emergent weed control, and micro-organism soil builders. Customize your organic lawn care program with a la carte services that allow us to cater to local environmental factors and unique conditions specific to your lawn.
Our competitors use chemical-based fertilizers that are harmful to pets and children – leading brands of chemical fertilizers contain many known or suspected carcinogens and reproductive, developmental, liver and blood toxicants.*
Plus, these chemical fertilizers totally ignore the health of the soil, focusing only on feeding the grass with a high-nitrogen formula that greens the grass quickly. This approach might directly “feed” the grass and make it look green, but it completely depletes the soil of organic matter, soil nutrients and microorganisms. If you have unhealthy soil, you have unhealthy plants. Unhealthy grass leads to increased weeds. More weeds and unhealthy grass get you duped into jumping on the chemical bandwagon in order to keep your grass looking green and weed-free.
Come clean with Clean Air Lawn Care’s safe, healthy, organic lawn care program.
Our organic lawn care program feeds the soil with custom-made, all-natural liquid fertilizer and soil builder formulas. We create the ideal environment for lush, healthy grass to grow by feeding the soil with all-natural ingredients that directly address plant and soil health. All of our organic fertilizers are 100% safe for pets, children, and wildlife.
Clean Air Lawn Care’s Organic Lawn Care Program
GO ORGANIC! Keep your lawn, pets, kids and local wildlife safe

Our basic organic fertilization program for a safe and healthy lawn.
- Spring Feed and Weed – Organic pre-emergent weed control and fertilizer combination (50% corn gluten/50% organic fertilizer)
- Summer/Fall Sustain and Build – Organic fertilization coupled with micro-organism builder (50% kelp/50% organic fertilizer mix
This program is designed to restore the natural health of your lawn. Let your lawn thrive by building healthy soil for long term strength & beauty.
- Spring Feed and Weed – Organic pre-emergent weed control/fertilizer combination (corn gluten).
- Spring Builder – Micro-organism health builder (humic acid)
- Summer Sustain – Organic fertilization
- Summer Builder – Micro-organism health builder (kelp)
- Fall Feed – Organic fertilization coupled with micro-organism soil builder (50% kelp/50% organic fertilizer mix)
Localize your organic treatment with a la carte services
- Soil testing
- Aeration
- Overseeding
- Irrigation consultation
- Compost application
- Organic herbicide spot spray weed control**
- Local organic pest control
Clean Air Lawn Care’s organic lawn care program, including correct mowing and watering practices, will create and maintain a beautiful lawn while respecting your family’s health and the local and global environment.
For more information, please contact your local owner or call 888.969.3669.
Contact us today for a free organic lawn care program estimate!
* 2001 study results, California Public Interest Research Group.
** We are currently testing a promising breakthrough in organic weed control and will unveil it soon! Stay tuned.